Face to face training is rewarding both for you the client and the trainer. It is about focus, making you think differently about the way you train, you eat, you relax and more.

Nothing beats the results you will get when you have a 1:1 personal coach, working on every stage of your journey, adapting, coaching, inspiring and challenging you.

A busy lifestyle is now not an excuse, you can and will work hard, you will adapt and make changes that create a sustainable, result driven lifestyle. Accountability is one of the most important factors in life for success, at work you as a an employer or employee are held to account everyday. So make your fitness accountable.

Every part of your personal training package is tailored to your needs but it essential that we both work hard to achieve results. I will challenge you every step of the way, all I ask is for your honesty, engagement and enthusiasm.

Part of your journey will be focused on the long term, we will work hard on habits, these are the foundations for long term maintainable results. We are not just a fitness provider we are a base for knowledge to empower you to be healthy and make sustainable lifestyle choices.

Personal Training Package Foundations


From day one we will look at different ways to measure your progress. We will sit and discuss previous training you have been doing, review what nutrition plans you use, how you approach your nutrition, how your week looks and how you approach each day. Using a variety of progress pics, weight scale measurements and tools we will track your progress.


During sessions you will be working with me face to face, one to one. Under my supervision you will improve your form, your movements and your flexibility. The direct motivation to push passed your barriers to meet your potential. Feedback and technical guidance from a qualified professional. Periodised training that you track and use via the app.


We provide recipes and other ideas about food to make sure you stay on track. On top of the basic packages that are on offer there are free recipes, knowledge bombs, ideas and more. Full exciting recipes with macros and calories included in downloadable and hardcopies. Visit the the shop and download page.


A key component to any fitness journey is to factor in your lifestyle. Training, nutrition and recovery should be based upon your lifestyle or the lifestyle you want to have. We are all busy people but fitness and personal time must be the centre, as this means you will perform at your best more and more effectively. We work to make training part of the daily routine, we work on nutrition to take into account work and play.


Everything we do together or independently, we track using the app. Entering weight, fat percentages and many other statistics gives us a picture for what your body is doing and how it is adapting. We record progress photos, link to MyFitnessPal and other tracking devices, all this makes a positive impact on your journey. Understanding how different things impact your fitness means we get better long lasting results.


Food is a vital element of any fitness journey and this isn’t about a diet or basic everyday food plans. We will work together step by step to make nutrition the centre of your routine. Nutrition is about choices and adjusting what you eat around the time you have. If you need more support then we will add more into your training programme to ensure you make progress.


Habits are a focus here at Inferno Fitness because we know they are a foundation to success. Every day life is filled with habits, from the moment you wake up your routine is based upon habits. Some habits are great and some habits could be better. It isn’t about bad or good habits but making habits that help you succeed. Simple changes can have a massive impact upon your lifestyle and your fitness journey. It takes over 14 days to make a new habit become routine. Let’s make that happen together.


Support from day one, from the moment you have your consultation, I will be with you by phone, text, email and in app messaging. This support is there to ensure you make success. Face to face training sessions, follow up chats, emails, facebook group, in app messages and much more. Everything is about you. Your journey, your path. Just having that person to listen, advise and support is the best thing in the world and the best way to make the progress you want.

Personal Training is affordable for all and is about budgeting for your health and long term goals. You will find that with changes you make you’ll have more money to invest in yourself.

Core 1

Core 1 is a package for the regular gym goer who knows their way around the gym but needs a good programme that is reviewed and tailored to their individual needs. Great for those wanting to increase their lifts, start using advanced techniques or taking their fitness level to the next level.

Core 2

Core 2 is a package for the new gym goer who wants to build confidence in the gym and reach their long term goal in a timely manner. Great for those with a defined goal, determination and wants to improve both physically and mentally with their fitness. Building your confidence and achieving your goals.

Core 3

Core 3 is a package for the gym newbie who wants to maximise their knowledge of the gym, equipment and nutrition. It maximises your accountability and helps you achieve your goal with more 1:1 training time with a trainer that motivates you. Excellent for the initial 6 months of a fitness journey to boost your confidence.

Core 4

Core 4 is for both the gym newbie and the regular gym goer. This package maximises your results as 4 sessions per week makes sure you hit every workout to your best. Pushes you to lift heavy, builds your confidence and keeps you on track. Sometimes a little extra focus takes away the stress around day to day life when it comes to your fitness goal.


Results you can see, stand out most when you think of personal training. People want to see the weight drop, the body fat to shrink or the muscle to build. What you don’t see here is the change on many levels of an individual journey, with a personal tailored programme or exercise and nutrition. These clients have become confident to go to the gym by themselves, they make good choices around food, they plan their week, they identify their barriers and form good habits. This through a 6 to 12 month transformation making their results last for the long term and giving them the tools to focus when they need to independently to maintain the way they feel and look.